Gay porn straight turn

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“I like gay male porn because women in porn are often over-sexualized, demonized, unappreciated, abused, etc.

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and you can’t really tell if they’re faking an orgasm,” Kirah explains. I feel like when men have sex together it’s just pure fun.” “I also just really love penises and male bodies. “I find straight porn offensive to women,” Layla, a 44-year-old woman who also prefers gay porn, agrees. Straight porn is all about getting the male off, the female is just a prop.” “I experience the same frustration with Hollywood roles written for women by men it’s all just very self-serving.

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“Male gay porn features lots of dick, all kinds - and they’re the main event,” she continues. “Sucking dick is portrayed as the art form it is, not just some guy fucking a woman’s face. What’s so sexy about it all is that it feels intimate to me.

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