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The episode was nominated for five Daytime Emmys, winning for Outstanding Writing in a Children's Special, Outstanding Performer in a Children's Special ( Justin Whalin) and Outstanding Sound Mixing in a Children's Special. The 1993 episode 'Other Mothers' featured a boy who was afraid that his friends would think he was gay because he has two mothers.

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It was nominated for three Daytime Emmy Awards, winning for Outstanding Direction in Children's Programming. The episode told the story of a teenage boy struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. 'What If I'm Gay?' originally aired on March 31, 1987.

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LGBT representation in children's programming was often uncommon to non-existent for much of television's history up to the 2010s, but has significantly increased since then.Įarly children's programming addressing LGBT-related subject matter in the United States includes two episodes of CBS Schoolbreak Special. LGBT representation in children's television programming is representation of LGBT topics, themes, and people in television programming meant for children. Rebecca Sugar, a creator devoted to creating LGBT children's media, speaking at New York Comic Con 2014

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