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What once was a niche community has blossomed into a full-on fandom, and it has taken over Tumblr. I cannot believe that people shipping Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote finally unseated the Voltron and BTS ships on tumblr /VZJ01HInYv- Cates Holderness October 15, 2018Īs you can see in the slides below, the Internet has had some wild reactions to this new shipping phenomenon. After all, Venom chooses to stay on Earth with Eddie to defend humanity from his race, and he nearly gives his life in the process. Some would even go so far as to call Venom a rather tsundere suitor, and the alien shows his true emotions at the film's end. Eddie and Venom may not get off to the best start after the journalist breaks into one of The Life Foundation's facilities, but they find harmony as the film goes on. The term Symbrock might have popped up on your feed by chance and searching it will lead you into the new world of Eddie Brock x Venom shipping.Įven though Venom wasn't put forth as a romance, there are plenty of fans who are taking it as such. Like it or not, Venom has got a thriving shipping fandom, and it is reaching an all-time high on social media.įor those unaware of this phenomenon, they only need to check Twitter or Tumblr to see what's up.

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